Welsh Masters 2022

Introduction The Welsh Masters are finally back! The event was held in the new and improved venue of Firestorm Games in Cardiff (with air conditioning) and it was great. I haven't been writing reports much lately, but I've typed up a few things about the games I had last weekend anyway, so decided I might … Continue reading Welsh Masters 2022

The mega update and Cryx

Introduction I haven't been writing any battle reports lately, but like many, I'm very excited about the latest update that Faye and the others at Privateer Press have put out for Warmachine. I figured I should write a post about it, to collect my own thoughts and maybe spark some discussion. I intend to go … Continue reading The mega update and Cryx

Lists to brawl with

Lately I have been playing a lot of Brawlmachine, which is a fan format made by the good people over at Line of Sight. It's not because I've gotten bored of playing Steamroller games, I still play those too, but because it's a nice change of pace. I think it's a great format for easing people into playing the game, whether online or in person.

Get your hot takes on Agathia right here, folks!

As most of you probably know by now, there has been a new Dynamic Update out, that has touched on, among other things, the battlebox casters. For Cryx this is Bane Witch Agathia, who has always been a mediocre caster that felt somewhat inbetween Deneghra1 and Asphyxious1, but not as good as either. I'm not sure if the changes are enough to bring her to the foreground, but they definitely serve to make her more unique.