4 rounds of jank

I've had another tournament, a 2-day event. Unfortunately, due to a conflict in scheduling, I couldn't attend the final round on the second day. No biggy, I'll just take whichever lists I feel like and grind out some games. As I've now played Denny 3 a bunch of times, I did want to explore Asphyxious 3 a bit more, so needed a new pair for him.

Of pigeons and pirates (feat. Hellbringer and Helljacks)

Introduction Played in a Steamroller on Sunday and decided to take the Deneghra 3 list for another spin. I paired it with Asphyxious 3 because I feel that, in the current meta, the only things that really grind through Ghost Fleet are Wurmwood and Retribution (read: Tridents) In the end, the latter was mostly a … Continue reading Of pigeons and pirates (feat. Hellbringer and Helljacks)